Red Set Three

Tuesday, June 23, 1998

One advantage of having a laptop computer and riding public transit is that you have some time to yourself to get some work done. Today, while riding to have my hair done, I browsed through the style pictures that I have accumulated, and selected a very curly one to try, as shown in the picture on the right. I also listened to a CD by the Moody Blues, using the built-in CD Rom drive and headphones.

It had been overcast all day, although the sky was fairly bright, and rain was not threatening. The sun made a few feeble attempts to break through as I was riding.

I arrived at my usual salon at about 5:50 p.m. It was a quiet day. Wendy, my stylist, was sweeping up after an earlier haircut. The barber and the neighbor who took the action pictures in the Green Set were both seated talking with each other and Wendy.

After Wendy had finished her housekeeping chore, she draped me and gave me a very thourough shampoo. Then, at the stylist's chair, I showed her the picture on my computer screen. She said that my hair is still shorter than the model's.

She then proceeded to set my hair, using her smallest blue rollers throughout. The neighbor volunteered to take some pictures again, and jokingly said that he would like to see his own together with Wendy on the Internet.

Then it was my turn to sit under the same dryer as last week. I plugged the power adapter for my computer in the manicure outlet on it, as usual, and resumed preparing this page, and updating the links on the other pages for it.

At about 5:50 p.m. a man walked in for a haircut by the barber, and a younger man, Wendy's son, followed him in for a haircut by Wendy. The first man's hair was trimmed, using barber scissors, while the second had his nape area cut using an electric trimmer, followed by thinning the top ends using a straight razor. The edges of his nape were trimmed with a small electric trimmer, and the edges on top were further trimmed using electric clippers, with the hair being elevated using a large, wide-toothed comb. The edges of both men's hair were further trimmed using electric trimmers.

The dryer went off at 6:06 p.m., while both haircuts were still in progress. After her son's haircut was finished, Wendy took pictures of me both under the dryer (above) and with my hair still set.

After I sat down in the stylist's chair, the neighbor snapped a picture of her starting to remove the rollers.

After the rollers were removed, she used a wide-toothed rake to loosen the set, and finished it using the metal pick of the styling tool. After spraying it with hairspray, she took the usual pictures of the finished style.

The other man's haircut was also finished at about this time. I paid Wendy, packed my computer, and left the salon at about 6:30 p.m., a curlyhead again!

This page last updaged: July 01, 1998

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